Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A Dumb Guy On A Bike

Now this here's a bike!

A Smart Guy On A Bike


Bush is an idiot. There is no denying it. Lucky us. I remember when Reagan gave his exit speech back in '89. He alluded to a repeal of the 22nd Amendment. That's the one that limits a President to two terms. I say do it, so we can re-elect Bill. Is that a crazy dream or what? I get so embarrassed every time our retarded monkey President opens his mouth. Maybe I can come up with some sort of countdown timer that will tick-off the remaining days of President Monkey and his truly tragic remaining term. I could put it on this blog. Keep an eye out. I'm onto something here.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Quantum Mechanics and the Holidays

I guess that last post should have read 3 months later. I subscribe to the Einsteinian concept of time. But, I usually make it to work on time. Tomorrow I'm gonna sleep late, go for a long bike ride, and eat my weight in turkey. I like Thanksgiving. No pressure on people that aren't adept in the kitchen. I wish Christmas was more like this. Maybe it was, once upon a time. Or in another universe. Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

2 Months Later

Sometimes I get something I really like and then don't utilize it the way I'd hoped I would. Like this blog. I really haven't taken the time to get to know it inside and out. I'm barely computer literate and don't always understand what it is I'm supposed to do. I want to post my favorite link but don't get code at all. So, the easy way is to cut and paste the links in my posts. Here is my favorite bike site:
Rivendell has been around for about 10 years and specializes in really beautiful but practical bikes. I have one of their frames and would like another one of these days. They are quite expensive but that isn't as much of a problem as the wait is. I believe it's 2 years at the moment. That's the price you pay for hand-built craftsmanship. No disposable crap here! Check the website out for more on their philosophy.

I got the new Rolling Stones Cd "A Bigger Bang." Better than anything they've offered since "Undercover" back in '83. Still not up to the heyday. I'd like to see more of the twangy stuff they did when Gram Parsons was hanging around. Ah, Keith likes to rock.

The Winter Ales are starting to show up around here. I really like the Anderson Valley Solstice Ale. Anderson Valley is a brewery from Northern California. They produce some really excellent brews. Get some if you can.

I'm bracing myself for the Christmas onslaught. I like the music, the food, the smell of the tree, seeing the family, that kind of stuff. But, I really hate the crass commercialism and incredible stress unreal expectations cause. For many it seems like a chore and a damned unpleasant one at that. I try to strike balance but it never seems quite right. Some years we decline to participate. I try to explain but I just get the upward roll of the eyes. Then we get presents and feel guilty. I know that isn't the intent of the giver but, it (the guilt) happens just the same.

I'm closing in on my goal of riding an average of 100 miles a week for a year. I should hit 4700 tomorrow. I'll be glad when the year is over. I don't think I'll ride as much next year. Too much has gone undone. Good thing I have such a patient wife. She indulges my obsessions with a smile and encouragement. I'm a fortunate guy.

Bush is an idiot.