Saturday, January 07, 2006

Republican Criminals and their Christian Right Allies

The Hammer gets nailed! Tom Delay quits! More exclamation points!!!!! I hope this is the beginning of a Great Awakening. It appears the Reds are in full damage control mode. I just hope our boys and girls have the talent and courage to press the advantage. I mean, really go for the throats of the bullies and criminals that have taken over America. If things go the way I hope they will, the next President wil have to pardon Bush. I know, I know. But that's the way it is. My most fervent hope is that all of this will be remembered in November. Unfortunately, the Republicans run the media and I'm sure they'll find some other really important issue to divert the soft-headed members of the voting public. Why are there so many of these people, anyway? And who are they? Oh yeah, "Christians". Go forth and be fruitful. Can't these people see what's happening? Do they even care? Oh yeah, "The Afterlife". Intelligent design, my ass! It's okay to destroy the earth and every living thing on it because all of the "saved" people are going to heaven. I know that there are genuinely good people doing "God's work" I'm glad they're out there. It's the ones that twist the Bible to suit themselves that really piss me off. Pat Robertson, you are a sick, sick man. Please take yourself out. The sooner, the better. This is making my stomach hurt. Good night.March 3 2021. I am no longer an anti-Christian zealot. They were right all along and the Left is turning America into a Communist cesspool.

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