Sunday, January 08, 2006

A Touring Bike is not a Cyclocross Bike is not a Touring Bike

Cyclocross racing is quite popular here in the PNW. Lots of people see it as an ideal way to finish their racing season. After 'cross is over they use their race bike to commute on. 'Cross bikes are great short hop commuters. Fat tires, quick handling, burly frames, it makes sense. What doesn't make sense is to try and turn a 'cross bike into a serious touring rig. 'Cross races are, at most, an hour plus one lap. Not a whole lot of consideration goes into long distance comfort or stability with a load on these bikes. A touring bike has a lower bottom bracket (for stability), longer chainstays for greater heel clearance, a slew of frame fittings, and a more upright posture for the rider. Tourers are usually a bit heavier as well. Obviously, you can ride whatever you want. Just know that 'cross and touring are not the same thing.

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