Friday, February 10, 2006

A Nice Bike Ride

It was a beautiful day here in Seattle. Sunny, 60 degrees. I was off. It couldn't be better. I rode about 45 miles in one of my favorite loops. Saw a few friends along the way, stopped in and visited Kent Peterson at his new gig, generally had a nice ride. Seattle on a nice day is really hard to beat. Even in February. I got home around 4:30 and my wife suggested we try to hit Happy Hour at one of our favorite pubs. By the time we got there the place was packed. So we tried another place. Also packed. By this time I was bonking, having skipped lunch. We finally found a place to go and had a nice dinner. But, I'll tell ya, driving around here at 6PM on a Friday night is an exercise in futility. Places I can ride to in minutes suddenly become unreachable. I hate driving in town. The cartoon above very effectively expresses my feelings on this subject. It's by an artist named Andy Singer. He does a lot of great cartoons , mostly of the social commentary variety. Here is a link if you want to know more:

Check it out.

Seattle is considered one of the places where cyclists and pedestrians are accorded some degree of respect. Maybe I just wasn't seeing it tonight.

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