Saturday, February 04, 2006

Windy Day

Boy, it was incredibly windy here today. Wind gusts of up to 60 miles an hour! We walked around in our neighborhood and generally enjoyed the wind. Got coffee, browsed in book and antique stores, lunch and a beer at a local pub. I also won $24.00 at Lotto. Pretty cool. Then on the way home, Karla finds $5.00! Talk about luck! After we were done with our neighborhood walk, we went down to Golden Gardens and walked on the beach.
The wind was ever fiercer at the beach. You could lean way into it. A little more velocity and I could've gotten some air, I know it! With the high wind there was no recreational activity on the water. I've never seen that before. The only marine traffic we saw was the Edmonds ferry and a tug boat probably headed to a job. It was almost like the lack of air traffic after 9/11. Kinda strange. The spray in the air gave the opposite shores a really distant look. I tried to get pictues but, I don't think our camera is up to the job. Maybe with a telephoto lens. The picture above is one of the nicer ones I did get. The sun and clouds were quite spectacular. Next time we get winds like this I'm going to spend more time at the beach. With any luck, I'll have developed a little more technique with the camera.
We didn't see one cyclist all day long. I think that's another first. The street in front of my house has a bike lane. If there were riders I would have seen them.
Well, I'm riding to work tomorrow. The winds are supposed to calm by morning. We'll be closing the shop at 3 tomorrow. I should get home in time to see the Stones at halftime. According to an ESPN poll, only the States of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska are picking the Seahawks to win. Talk about no national identity. I predict a 'Hawks win. Today's wind felt like it had good news on it. All in all, a really fun day with my wife.

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