Friday, February 03, 2006

Another Slap at Big Cults

So, I've been seeing this around lately. I'm not big on religion. Mostly, I think the Big 3 are just causing a lot of trouble for the rest of us. The recent Muslim outrage over Danish editorial cartoons is an excellent example. Freedom of speech is a human right. We are here, we exist. God, on the other hand, is unproven. There is not one piece of empirical, incontrovertible evidence, that any deity exists. NONE. And yet, untold millions have fought and died, to this very day, for an invisible being in the sky. In Islam you are not allowed to portray God in any form. This is blasphemy in their eyes. So the Danish cartoons have sparked riots and threats by outraged Muslims. My take on this? Hey Muslim extremists, get over yourselves! You are not in charge here! A lot of people don't believe in any sort of God, let alone your version. Lest you think I am anti-Islam, I feel the same way regarding Christianity, Judaism, and any other cult that espouses their right to rule over others by divine right. I do think of all religions, big and little, as cults. We will never have peace as long as there are conflicting religions. In the film "Kundun" there was a scene in which the Dalai Lama and Mao Zedong were meeting. During their conversation, Mao leans into the Dalai Lama's ear and hisses "Religion is poison." I couldn't agree more. You can call me an agnostic treehugger. Just don't call me late for dinner.

GW Bush is a Christian puppet moron.


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