Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Early Response

President and Mrs. Parker - Oct 2003

Wow! I can't believe the response I've had. Overwhelmingly positive. Far less joking than I'd anticipated. I think people are ready for a seriously satirical candidate. Why not me? It is said at the the heart of every joke there is a serious meaning. I am serious when I say I'm fed up with the way our country has been taken over by the religious right and corporate shills disguised as leaders. This small effort I'm making is my way of drawing attention to this criminal administration and its sociopathic policies. Unfortunately, the leading opposition doesn't seem to have a clue either. I may be shown that I'm wrong in November, and I hope I am, but, I can't sit still any longer. If you're really into this, stay tuned. Me and my very small staff will be cooking up a campaign designed to mock and ridicule both of the dominant parties while asking real questions about real issues. I'll write about the things that matter to me and, will listen to all ideas no matter how preposterous. You should hear some of the stuff that has already been suggested. Eventually a legitimate policy statement will emerge and we'll have something really worth talking about. It could happen.

In the next couple of days I'll be setting up a new blog that will deal strictly with my quest for the Presidency and give a home page to the Green Socialist Libertarian Party. Forgive me if I just start calling it the GSL. I will issue more statements regarding policy and name my key staffers. I look forward to serving our great nation. Good night and thank you.

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