Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Me for President

So, I've decided to run for President of the United States in 2008.
"Why would you do that, you crazy bastard?", some may ask. Well, I'm just about fed up with the way things are going. Here is my platform (early stage):

1. Re-instate the draft. No exceptions. Age 18. Men and women. After high school, before college. 2 years active, 3 inactive. Include the Peace Corps and Earth Corps as an alternative for pacifists. Young people today need to know what it means to serve. This will keep the Congressional chickenhawks in line. And keep our military strong and representative of our population.

2. No more gasoline powered engines. I can't think of a quicker way to halt global warming. And stop the destruction of the increasingly fragile environment. And stop imperialist aggression against the oil producing countries. Let's get bio-diesel up and running. Grow our own. American grown, American made, fuel for America!

3. A bottle and can deposit nationwide. I'm really tired of seeing cans and bottles littering our great nation. Aluminum, glass, and plastic. In addition to the beautifiying aspect of this plan, it will put money into the pockets of the people that will redeem discarded containers, cut production costs of the containers, reduce the demand for raw material, and eliminate the need for new landfills.
Let's keep America beautiful!

4. Legalize marijuana now! The continuing, futile persecution of marijuana users has got to end. I'm talking medical and recreational. The potential tax revenue stream and savings from not not clogging up the courts and penal system is mind boggling. The tax income and enforcement savings can be used to fund our law enforcement agencies to fight the far greater threat of methamphetamine use and manufacture. And for treatment centers for those who need the help. It would also allow American farmers to grow a valuable cash crop. Industrial hemp is far too rich a resource to waste like we are now doing. I know I'm not the only person or even candidate that sees this.

This is only what I've come up with in the last hour or two. More will follow as I confer with my constituents, staff, and advisors. Please donate what you can to my campaign. Use the Amazon link on this page to do so.

You might ask "What is your party affiliation, Brian?" Well, as near as I can tell, I'm A Green Socialist Libertarian. Earth first, public good second, then you can look after yourself.

Let's get America back where it belongs!

Thank you for your support,
Brian K. Parker

1 comment:

Hjalti said...

Well what the heck, you have my vote.