Saturday, April 22, 2006

Saturday Find

Today was the annual Greenwood Garage Sale. This is an event put on by the Phinney Neighborhood Association. A hundred or so households participate. I hit about 35. You can usually find some cool stuff. I typically look for books and cd's. I put the Ortliebs onto my old MB-2 and rode off.

It isn't often I make a bicycle related find. But today it happened. I was riding down the street I was going to turn towards home from. I rolled up to a yard sale and there it was. A Silca Pista pump! I got off of my bike real fast. Two quick strides and it was in my hands. A few pump strokes and a thorough inspection confirmed good condition. I looked up and found the guy to pay. "How much?" I asked. "Two bucks" came the reply. I pulled the money out of my pocket so fast I felt heat. I practically skipped back to my bike.

On the way home, I couldn't get over what a great deal I had scored. I was so charged up I cleaned the garage, got rid of a pile of yard waste and picked up trash off of the median in the street in front of my house. Earth Day, y'know.

It was sunny, windy and, kinda chilly. And I only rode 7.5 miles. But, sometimes good things happen on rides close to home.

Addendum: Thanks to all who pointed out that my pump is a Super Pista. That makes the find even sweeter.

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